Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 2, 2012

Vận động giải thưởng Nobel hòa bình 2012 cho Lm. Nguyễn Văn Lý

Trân trọng kính chuyển thư vận động giải thưởng ''NOBEL HÒA BÌNH'' cho Linh Mục yêu nước, yêu đạo, thương dân NGUYỄN VĂN LÝ đã dấn thân hy sinh tranh đấu cho nhân quyền, tự do tôn giáo, dân chủ, tòan vẹn lãnh thổ liên tục trong suốt 30 năm qua.
''đề QUÝ VỊ, TÒAN QUÂN, TÒAN DÂN quốc nội và hải ngọai vận động Liên Hiệp Quốc, Liên Hiệp Châu Âu, Quốc Hội Âu Châu, Asean, Vatican, các Chính phủ các quốc gia tự do, dân chủ khắp thế giới, nhất là Chính Phủ, các Dân biểu, các Thượng nghị sỉ, các đảng phái chính trị, truyền thông báo chí tại NA UY hậu thuẩn, ủng hộ Lm NGUYỄN VĂN LÝ.

February, 09, 2012

Your Holiness,
Dear President,
Mr. President of the International Criminal Court,

Mr. Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,
Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations,
Mr. President of the European Parliament,
Mr. President of the Council of Europe,
Mr. Secretary General, A. S.E.A.N,
Dear Prime Minister,
Dear Minister,
Dear Senator,
Dear Member of Parliament,
Dear Ambassador,
Organizations, Amnesty International,
U.S. Commission on International Riligious, News Medias,
Ladies and gentlemen of the international community,
Dear Mrs, Dear Mr,

Catholic Priest Thaddeus Nguyen van Ly, a well-known human rights activist, has worked relentlessly (uninterrupted) since over 30 years in his homeland, Vietnam, peaceful for democracy and human rights.

Priest Nguyen van Ly has received numerous Peace Prizes from many organizations; amongst these are the Shalom prize given by the Catholic University of Eichstatt, and the Hellmann Hammett prize given by Human Rights Watch. He has used all prize money given to him to continue his work for human rights.

We believe that priest Thaddeus Nguyen van Ly and the Vietnamese pro-democracy movement should have the opportunity to be nominated for the Nobel peace prize. A nomination for the Nobel peace prize for Priest Nguyen van Ly will send a strong message of support and encouragement to the members of the Vietnamese pro-democracy movement in their difficult struggle. As the same time, it will send a clear message to the Vietnamese government, calling on them to stop their attacks on dissidents, to stop their on-going oppression toward their own citizens, and to begin a dialogue with their peaceful and pro-democratic opposition. We hope that this will ultimately lead to democracy, respect for human rights, freedom of belief, and political liberty, with in Vietnam.

We respectfully ask you to send your nomination for Priest Thaddeus Nguyen van Ly, before February , 2012, to the Nobel Prize committee by fax or by post:

Nobel Peace Prize Selection Committee

The Norwegian Nobel Institute

Henrik Ibsens gate 51,

N-0255 Oslo - Norway

Tel : (00) 47 22 12 93 00

Fax : (00) 47 22 12 93 10

We thank very much for your attention and your support.

Respectfully yours and with our gratefulness,

Enclosure: Biography of Priest Thaddeus Nguyen Van Ly.

Thai Thanh Thuy (thaithanhthuytt@googlemail .com)

Vietnam Progression Party

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